Antonín Dvořák (1841 – 1904)

Rusalka's Song to the Moon

Aria from the opera “Rusalka” op. 114

A. Dvo_ák: Rusalkas Lied an den Mond, GesSKlav (0)A. Dvo_ák: Rusalkas Lied an den Mond, GesSKlav (1)A. Dvo_ák: Rusalkas Lied an den Mond, GesSKlav (2)
Voice (soprano), piano
Musical Editions:
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
czech, german, english
10 pages; 23 × 30 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
BA 10440


  • Taken from the complete vocal score of the new critical edition of the opera (BA10438-90) with a piano reduction by Petr Koronthály
  • With changes to the original Czech vocal text
  • Underlaid singable text, also in English and German

More than sixty years after the publication of Jarmil Burghauser’s edition, Bärenreiter has published a new critical edition of Dvorák’s “Rusalka” (BA10438) which meets today’s editorial standards and on which this individual edition of Rusalka’s famous aria is based.

In “Glistening moon in the velvet sky” from Act 1 of the opera, some small changes were also made to the Czech vocal text based on Dvorák’s autograph.

A new piano reduction by Petr Koronthály which largely adapts the excellent and well-manageable piano part that Antonín Dvorák is known to have contributed to and authorised.


  • Preface
  • Vorwort
  • Rusalkas Lied an den Mond
  • Predmluva
12.30  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 4–9 working days (Finland)
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